the river Pi ave
and Livenza, bathed by the waters of the Monticano,
the city of Oderzo rises, rich of history, of art, of agricultural
and industrial commerce, chief town of a vast territory comprehending
thirteen communes. Its geographical position, the facility to reach it,
has favoured it in the past as in the present enriching the urbanistic
fabric of it without injuring the way and the style of life of its
citizens however: To know its history even shortly it is meaningful to
notice its urbanistic structure : it is a cultural demand to understand
the organization, of the location of its principal public and residential
buildings. The word Oderzo (opiterginis are said its inhabitants)comes
from the Venetian through the word Latin "Opitergium ", composed by " opi
" (there -here) and " terg " (plaza - market ):meeting point of people, of
exchange of commodities, and therefore cause of social and economic
development. It is believed that Oderzo has been founded around three
thousand years ago from the Venetians , deriving population from over the
Danubio, devoted to the agriculture and the breeding of the horses. Come
to contact with the Celtis, the Etruschis and the Greeks, Oderzo started
slowly to orde1; to consolidate and grew also of importance, not only for
the dowries of its people, but also for the shrewd accords with the
Romans. These in fact they built in 148 before Christ the console road
Postumia that connects the Liguria to Aquileia, important militar centre
for the defense and outpost of the Romanic dominion . The opiterginis were
finally involved in the struggles between Pompeo and Caesa1; but they knew
how to preserve their extraneousness getting awarely nevertheless the
concession of the Roman citizen, and therefore the elevation to "
Municipium " admitted to the Papirians tribe . Oderzo had its great shine
during the age of August ( I century after Christ), as document the
numerous archaeological finds and some local expressive forms alive in the
dialect of the people.
The river harbou1; now proven by photo, connected the city to the Adriatic
making it the only commercial intermediary between the hinterland and the
coast populations: so it created wealth, comfort and prestige.
Not always however the days pass happy: Oderzo also had its days of dark
sadness and pain. Oderzo was devastated from the Quadis and from the
Marcomannis ( 167 ds.c. ) and it was finally destroyed from the
Longobardis (667 ds.c.) so that the population under the guide of s. Magno
mended in lagoon where with other confederate exiles, it gave origin to
Venice. In medieval age the ancient city, reborn slowly around to a
towered castle, becomes alternatively feud some bishops of Belluno, of
varied vassals and in 1389 it finally passes under the dominion of the
Venice's Republic, the Serene one, following all the administrative
circumstances actually of it to the dominion French and Austrian, this
last finished in 1866 with the annexation to Italy. From this moment the
history of the city is woven with the national and European history.
Origin Of the Name: French word From "Francis's Court" Or From .A Hill
FRANCUIO. Of notable interest is the tomb consisting in a small artificial
hill or a relief that the researchers associate to ancient rests of before
Christ epoch. In 1982 was found the skeleton of a horse in good state of
maintenance and fragments of a decorated vase.
The church of St.James, a great ancient one, was in an only aisle in
origin but was widened and restored in 1926
